Mobile app design for Transport Locator

Transport Locator

Mobile App Design

Tech Stack

React Native

Color Palette

Project Description

The mobile application is similar to a ride hailing app where the rider has access to the driver's location on a map. Similarly, a student on the Transport Locator will be able to view their university transport's location on a map.

Considering multiple snatching events and harassments, me and my team developed this application with the goal of easily knowing when our transport would arrive early in the morning. By tracking the location of the driver's mobile which would be enabled in his app on his phone, we were able to see how far the transport was and how long it would take for them to arrive. The idea and developed application was presented in two hackathons in Karachi and was appreciated in the forms of cash prizes.

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I am an avid learner and am deeply passionate about building unique and original stuff. Ping me with an idea that you think would require a good design and I'll be glad to help out!

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